15 de dezembro de 2009

Formação de Cavernas

Você já entrou em uma caverna? Se entrou logo percebeu que representam uma verdadeira obra de arte da natureza! Quer saber como elas se formam? Então vamos lá...
As cavernas são formadas em áreas de rochas calcárias. Esse tipo de rocha é formada por um mineral chamado calcita ou, usando a nomenclatura da química, carbonato de cálcio.

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3 comentários:

  1. I've ventured into one and marveled at the intricate formations. It's fascinating how limestone and calcite play a role in creating these wonders

  2. Absolutely! Caves are like nature's sculptures, and exploring them can be a thrilling experience. They form gradually over time, offering us a fascinating glimpse into the Earth's geological history.

  3. I've been a loyal customer for a while now, and I can't wait to take advantage of the fantastic deals they're offering. The holiday season just got a whole lot merrier with Katabum's promotions – perfect timing for gift shopping and treating myself to some well-deserved goodies. The discounts and special offers make it even more enticing. Kudos to Katabum for spreading the festive cheer! Can't wait to explore the promotions and make the most of this joyful season.


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