13 de novembro de 2009


Olá, fiéis seguidores do Blog da SmartKids!

A Smartkids e a Editora Girassol se uniram para lançar a KATABUM! – www.katabum.com.br - a maior loja de livros infantis do País!

O grande diferencial da loja é a integração dos produtos com conteúdo infantil de qualidade. Cada livro vem como uma dica de atividade para os pais e educadores fazerem após a leitura. Além disso, os livros são comentados por um pedagogo, oferecendo mais informação para os pais e educadores na escolha dos livros.

A loja oferece tipos diferenciados de navegação, com destaque para a navegação por idades e por personagens conhecidos.

Contamos com a sua ajuda e opinião para divulgar o nosso trabalho.

Desde já agradecemos o carinho,
Equipe SmartKids

7 comentários:

  1. Your blogs are really good and interesting. The store offers different types of browsing, with emphasis on browsing by ages and by known characters Bankruptcy lawyers in virginia. It is very great and informative. I got a lots of useful information in your blog. Keeps sharing more useful blogs..

  2. KATABUM! is a user-friendly and interactive platform that provides a wide range of educational resources for children of all ages. From colorful books, online activities, interactive games, and much more, KATABUM! is designed to make learning engaging, entertaining, and effective

  3. That's great news! The partnership between Smartkids and Editora Girassol to launch KATABUM seems like an exciting collaboration.

  4. Abogados Divorcio Northern Virginia

    Whoa, what's all this KATABUM about? Your post has me intrigued and ready for an explosive read! Count me in for the excitement!

  5. "KATABUM" seems like an intriguing topic for discussion. It evokes a sense of excitement and curiosity. Whether it refers to a sudden explosion, a thrilling event, or something else entirely, it certainly captures attention. The word itself has a dynamic energy, making readers eager to learn more about its meaning and context. Exploring the origins and interpretations of "KATABUM" could lead to fascinating insights and discussions. Overall, it's a captivating term that invites exploration and engagement.

  6. Anônimo8/8/24 17:30

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  7. SmartKids: KATABUM! is a fantastic resource for parents and educators looking to engage children in creative and educational activities. The blog offers a wealth of ideas that are both fun and informative, making learning an exciting adventure for kids. Just as Afnan 9.PM.


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