17 de novembro de 2009


Oi amiguinhos! Dia 20 comemora-se o Dia da Consciência Negra! Este é um dia dedicado à reflexão sobre a integração do negro na sociedade brasileira. Você sabe por que se comemora o Dia da Consciência Negra no dia 20 de novembro? É porque foi nessa data que morreu Zumbi dos Palmares, escravo que lutou contra a escravidão no Brasil.

4 comentários:

  1. Muito bom o blog! Bacanérrimo!

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    Pedro Antônio

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  3. In Brazil, November 20th is recognized as Black Consciousness Day, honoring the life and contributions of Zumbi dos Palmares, a leader in the fight against racial injustice and slavery. This day serves as a prompt to remember the difficulties and accomplishments of the Black community in the pursuit of social justice and equality. As we continue to work toward a society that is more inclusive and equitable, now is the moment for introspection, knowledge, and solidarity. Black Consciousness Day encourages us to address racism and prejudice by raising awareness and taking action, resulting in a society where diversity is valued and everyone is treated with respect.
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  4. It reminds us of the strength and unity within the community, as well as the ongoing fight for equality. As a 2D cartoon animation agency, creating animations for this day can help educate people about Black culture in a fun and easy to understand way.


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