13 de outubro de 2009


Olá, eu sou o Tio Fernando!

Um médico diferente que adora fazer bagunça e se divertir com as crianças.

Na nossa coluna, você vai encontrar dicas de saúde que serão muito úteis para esclarecer suas dúvidas - aquelas perguntas que só as crianças sabem fazer.

Todas as dicas contarão com imagens ilustrativas que poderão ser impressas para colorir, para montar um mural de atividades ou até para uma apresentação na escola. Faremos também passatempos para testar seus conhecimentos e saber se você realmente aprendeu.

Toda a quinzena abordaremos um novo assunto, não deixe de conferir. Se preferir assine gratuitamente a nossa Newsletter, assim nós enviaremos um e-mail comunicando as novas matérias da coluna do Tio Fernando.

Se você tiver dúvidas pode perguntar para a gente, mande um e-mail para tiofernando@smartkids.com.br.

Esperamos que goste da nossa nova coluna. Aproveite e divirta-se!

4 comentários:

  1. Wenn eine Person sexuell erregt wird, setzt ihr Körper Stickstoffmonoxid frei, das die Produktion von zyklischem Guanosinmonophosphat (cGMP) anregt, einer Chemikalie, die das saubere Muskelgewebe in den Blutgefäßen des Penis entspannt. Kamagra bestellen
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  2. Se vuoi salvare la tua relazione, discuti questi argomenti con il tuo partner, soprattutto quando sono legati alla tua vita sessuale. Farmaitalia24 Non preoccuparti, questo problema può essere risolto con farmaci e trattamenti adeguati per l'impotenza o la disfunzione erettile.

  3. One of the most captivating aspects of the pearl chain bracelet is its versatility. While traditionally associated with bridal attire, this bracelet transcends the boundaries of wedding fashion, making it a cherished accessory for various occasions beyond the wedding day. From formal events such as galas and cocktail parties to everyday wear, the pearl chain bracelet adds a touch of refinement and sophistication to any outfit, making it a timeless investment piece for the modern woman. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the pearl chain bracelet carries deeper symbolism, making it an even more meaningful accessory for the bride. Pearls have long been associated with purity, innocence, and love, making them a fitting choice for wedding jewelry. As the bride slips on her pearl chain bracelet, she is reminded of the purity of her love and the timeless elegance of her commitment to her partner, creating a cherished memento of her wedding day.

  4. The beauty of the body chain belt lies in its simplicity. Unlike bulky statement pieces that can weigh down your beach attire, these chains offer a minimalist aesthetic that complements any bikini style. Whether you prefer classic black, vibrant prints, or daring cutouts, there's a body chain belt to suit every swimsuit ensemble. Its understated design ensures that it seamlessly integrates into your outfit, allowing you to transition effortlessly from lounging on the sand to sipping cocktails by the beach bar. One of the most appealing aspects of the body chain belt is its versatility. While it undoubtedly shines as a beach accessory, its charm extends far beyond the shorelines. Pair it with a flowy sundress for a bohemian-inspired look at a beachside brunch, or layer it over a sleek jumpsuit for a night out on the town. Whether you're attending a music festival, exploring a coastal town, or simply soaking up the sun in your backyard, the body chain belt adds a touch of glamour to any summer occasion.


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